To our Bridge & Burn Community,
This year we rolled out our Sustainable Series collection, our humble first step towards living our brand commitment of limiting our impact on the environment. And while we knew continuing to innovate the ways we made our products - what materials we use and who we work with - are both important, we knew we could do more.
That's why we are so proud to announce that we've committed to partnering with Climate Neutral this year to offset our business' 2019 carbon emissions by 100%. We're measuring our carbon footprint, reducing what we can, and offsetting the rest of the carbon emissions that go into making our products and delivering them to customers like you. Reducing the amount of greenhouse gases we produce as a company isn't just the right thing to do - it's the only thing to do. We're committed to doing this not just for 2019, but every year moving forward.
The Earth Day movement celebrates its 50th birthday today and in 1970, an astounding twenty million Americans (10% of the entire U.S. population at that time) took part in peaceful protests asking for more of our businesses and our government to protect our planet. Since people can't take to the streets this year, we want to make noise digitally for climate action. Bridge & Burn is joining 150+ committed and certified Climate Neutral brands like our friends at Rumpl and MiiR as proof of how the voluntary actions of both companies and consumers can lead to great change.
Especially in times like these, I can't tell you how much your continued support of our brand means to me and my entire team. We look forward to continuing our call for climate action this Earth Week and in future seasons.
Thanks for your continued support,
Erik Prowell
Founder, Bridge & Burn